Monday, May 19, 2008

Becoming happier

OK well Tor and I have talked and have decided to give this another chance. We have seen help and have talked about EVERYTHING that hurt us, bugged us, and upset us in the past. We want to start over. Tor is even calling the court house tomorrow morning to see if it is too late to stop the divorce...I hope not. But if it is, Tor and I will still move in with each other wait a couple of years and re marry.
I am so thankful, greatful, happy and blessed that through all of this Tor still loves me and wants to share his life with me. I was so stupid and dumb to hurt him and do what I did. I love Tor, Always have and forever will.

My mom made these for me...thought I would share

Tor is my other half, my best friend and I am thankful to have him in my life. I know I will have to earn back his trust, but I am willing to do so and I know it will be worth it.

1 comment:

Todd & Jessica Unsicker said...

I'm so happy you guys are working it out. You guys make such a good couple. I hope all works out for you and remember if ever you need to talk just give us a jingle. Love You Megan. Todd