Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Life is starting to fall into place

Well so much for Justin and I. We ended it. And I could not be more happy. I am back together with my true love Torrence. We talked and he proved to me that he got help and I proved to him that I have chaged on my attitude. We are back together and more in love then ever.

We are divorced but we plan to remarry. Maybe next spring or the next spring. Not sure yet. We will see how things go.

Also I moved out of Justins and TJ and I are no living with my friends Markel and John. We love it so far. TJ is back to his fun loving self...NO MORE stress :D YIPPY...

Still no job..which sucks. but I bet I will find one soon as thing fall more into place.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Stepping forward

OK well after a long fight on phone. Justin and I ended it. I am moving out tonight with a friend and her family. She wants me out ASAP.

Also Tuesday afternoon I have a meeting with the YCC(Utah your community connection) to fill a protective order for TJ and I against him and his family. I am in fear for myself and TJ and I qualify for their program. I wouldn't think Justin would do something but IDK...all his friends and family tell me he does have a temper. So rather be safe then sorry.

Although Justin's dad is trying to keep some of my things...Which is BS!!! I might have to call the cops come help me get my stuff out of Justin's trailer tonight. I do fall under DV (Domestic Violence) Which is scary to me...But I will get over it with help.

I will keep you updated. Thanks for all your thoughts and help. But I am taking a step forward!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting Better

Well things are starting to look up LOL. Torry and I are more in love and becoming happy. Tor just got a new job today, so things are looking up and it looks like things are getting put together finally. He wants me out and I so want out from where I am now. Tor and I are planning a new life together and I cant wait to get started.

Also new good news, since I am still living with Justin I am looking for EVERY reason and opportunity to get out of the house. Well yesterday, I was invited by my mom and grandma Pedersen to go with them and my family to our family cabin in Idaho, we are leaving on June 8th and wont be back till June 15th. A WHOLE week LOL :D I am looking forward to it SOOOO much. So TJ and I are taking a vacation with my mom, dad, brothers Billy and Jordan, sisters Ally and Missa, and my grandparents. I am looking forward to it, I haven't been up there since 2002!!!! I can't wait to get TJ there. He loves outside and the cabin is all about the outside and taking walks...I will for sure be taking my camera and will be taking pictures.

I will miss Tor but a week apart might be a good test to see if we really do love each other or just puppy love. I know he loves me, and I have always loved him but I have been wishy washy in the past. So I think a week I will be away from him and from Justin and I will have time to think and get my head straight.

Also as I have told you before my mom is getting into and really good at digital scrapbooking and she has started making sigs...LOL she made both of these for me...
First one is of TJ at the Zoo in July 2007. The second is of TJ and Tor The same day at the zoo. She does them so well and seems to do them fast LOL.

Monday, May 19, 2008


OK so I called Justin just now cause it is his lunch brake to see how his night went and how work is going...WELL he starts yelling at me. Yelling at me about Tor and Why I have pics of him back on my myspace. I am SO SICK and TIRED of his attitude. Even if I was not trying to work it out with Tor Tor and I would be friends and I would want his pics on there any way. He is calling Tor names and telling me I need to stop contact with him....GRRRRR I am just so mad and fed up with it. Now I bet when I do go home tonight he will yell at me some more...IDK how much more of this I can take. I am braking


Well Last night TJ and I spent the night at my parents. My mom needed me to watch my little brother and sister. SO I asked to spend the night. Well TJ and I went over around 5 and had dinner and then we all went to the park. Tor was at his moms house hanging with his little Sister Caitlin who lives around the corner from the park so they came to the park to play

Here are some pictures I took while we were all playing

Also Caitlin (Tor's little sister) took this picture...and I edited it on my photobucket...

It was so much fun. We also had a water fight LOL but I didn't get those pics. Didn't want my camera wet.

Becoming happier

OK well Tor and I have talked and have decided to give this another chance. We have seen help and have talked about EVERYTHING that hurt us, bugged us, and upset us in the past. We want to start over. Tor is even calling the court house tomorrow morning to see if it is too late to stop the divorce...I hope not. But if it is, Tor and I will still move in with each other wait a couple of years and re marry.
I am so thankful, greatful, happy and blessed that through all of this Tor still loves me and wants to share his life with me. I was so stupid and dumb to hurt him and do what I did. I love Tor, Always have and forever will.

My mom made these for me...thought I would share

Tor is my other half, my best friend and I am thankful to have him in my life. I know I will have to earn back his trust, but I am willing to do so and I know it will be worth it.

Monday, May 12, 2008

My Mothers Day

This years mothers day was really nice.

Well for my gift TJ and I to get our pictures done at Walmart I have to scan the pictures and then I will show LOL but I woke up to home made breakfast (pancakes and juice) and cards TJ drew me a beautiful picture. Then Justin planed a picnic in the park near our house. It was beautiful, the weather was just right. we had turkey sandwiches, chips, soda and water, rice crispy treats and cookies.
I went camera happy LOL here is a slide show of the pictures...

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I dated this guy through out HS and we drifted apart after I graduated in 2004. Westayed friends though then in 2006 we started seeing each other again well on 07-07-2007 we were married and I thought life would be good well 6 months later in December 2007 we filed for divorce. Now 5 months later we ae still friends but we are not over each other. All throughout HS we were known as the Rachele and Ross couple (from Friends) LOL I am now seeing some one else and he has been dateing as well. I meet his last GF and it stabbed me right in the heart to see them togther and if that is how he feels when he sees me and my new BF...WOW I feel so bad...SO what to do? Will I ever get over him or are we ment for each other? I love my boyfriend now, but I also love my ex and I dont think or know if I will ever stop loving him. He was my first love. He was my first in alot of things. He is still a friend but it is painful seeng hm and talkig t him now....

Friday, May 2, 2008

Boring Night

Well it is a normal night here when the Utah Jazz plays. I am so sick of basketball I cant wait for it to be over. My boyfriend is GLUED to the TV watching the game while I am left alone and sad. I love my boyfriend but COME on where is the love for Megan???? I haven't seen him all day really. I left at 130 to go babysit my siblings and got back around 6 and he said hi gave me a kiss on the check and is now GLUED to the TV. and the Jazz started around 9 which means it wont get over till around 11. He works tomorrow 8 to 430 but at 5ish I am going back to my mom and dads to baby again till like 11 or so. So I wont see him AT all tomorrow. But he doesn't seem to care. He says he loves me and I believe him but he has his ideas of love messed up a little. Sports should NOT come before family. Playing ball should not come before family. I tell him this...he says he knows but he doesn't change. He is great with TJ though. It is cute when they play ball together and hang together but that only lasts a few minutes till TJ gets restless or Justin gets bored. TJ looks up to him soooo much. But Justin seems as though he has to be in the mood to hang with TJ or I. Huh??? What to do?


My goodness I am so glad that my dad found an amazing woman to marry. I love my mom and all that she has done and does do for our family members. She is the only mom I know. My birth mom and I NEVER got along and I never had a close relationship with her. So my mom Donni is the mom I consider MOM. Today I am babysitting my siblings. Ally who is 9, Jordan who is 6 and Miryssa who is 2. Not to mention I have my son TJ with me who is almost 2. LOL A CRAZY day lays ahead. No just kidding I love watching my little brother and sisters. They mean the world to me and we have a BLAST when we are together. I am watching my siblings cause it is my mom and dads 11th wedding anniversary. Here is a picture of my mom and dad back in 1997 when they got married...They were married in the Salt Lake City LDS Temple. Congrats on 11 STRONG years mom and dad. LOVE YOU BOTH

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Sick Of Weather

Thats right I am sick of the weather. I was planing on going for a walk today just TJ and I BUT NO it has to be cold and yucky..Man I can not wait till Summer. Poor litle TJ wants to go outside and play but he cant because he gets too cold too fast. TJ loves ball and to play basketball outside. It is cute the way he says 'ball' it comes out "all" LOL too cute for words. I just wish the weather would warm up and stay warm