Friday, May 23, 2008

Stepping forward

OK well after a long fight on phone. Justin and I ended it. I am moving out tonight with a friend and her family. She wants me out ASAP.

Also Tuesday afternoon I have a meeting with the YCC(Utah your community connection) to fill a protective order for TJ and I against him and his family. I am in fear for myself and TJ and I qualify for their program. I wouldn't think Justin would do something but IDK...all his friends and family tell me he does have a temper. So rather be safe then sorry.

Although Justin's dad is trying to keep some of my things...Which is BS!!! I might have to call the cops come help me get my stuff out of Justin's trailer tonight. I do fall under DV (Domestic Violence) Which is scary to me...But I will get over it with help.

I will keep you updated. Thanks for all your thoughts and help. But I am taking a step forward!

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