Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Getting Better

Well things are starting to look up LOL. Torry and I are more in love and becoming happy. Tor just got a new job today, so things are looking up and it looks like things are getting put together finally. He wants me out and I so want out from where I am now. Tor and I are planning a new life together and I cant wait to get started.

Also new good news, since I am still living with Justin I am looking for EVERY reason and opportunity to get out of the house. Well yesterday, I was invited by my mom and grandma Pedersen to go with them and my family to our family cabin in Idaho, we are leaving on June 8th and wont be back till June 15th. A WHOLE week LOL :D I am looking forward to it SOOOO much. So TJ and I are taking a vacation with my mom, dad, brothers Billy and Jordan, sisters Ally and Missa, and my grandparents. I am looking forward to it, I haven't been up there since 2002!!!! I can't wait to get TJ there. He loves outside and the cabin is all about the outside and taking walks...I will for sure be taking my camera and will be taking pictures.

I will miss Tor but a week apart might be a good test to see if we really do love each other or just puppy love. I know he loves me, and I have always loved him but I have been wishy washy in the past. So I think a week I will be away from him and from Justin and I will have time to think and get my head straight.

Also as I have told you before my mom is getting into and really good at digital scrapbooking and she has started making sigs...LOL she made both of these for me...
First one is of TJ at the Zoo in July 2007. The second is of TJ and Tor The same day at the zoo. She does them so well and seems to do them fast LOL.

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